Lectures and discussions: From cyber security to the protection of critical infrastructure and international peacebuilding.

Get to know the numerous national and international decision-makers and personalities that the FSS has had the pleasure of welcoming in recent years.
Security concerns us all directly in everyday life : Data security and privacy, stable power grid and comunications networks, availability of medication and nutrition as well as a functioning railway and road infrastructure are only a few examples.
In the medium and long term, security is a critical success factor – for individuals and enterprises as well as for the economy, the state and society as a whole.
A shared knowledge base and a continuing open exchange are key to build a common understanding about security. In the media and the public, security has been reduced to the military and the police in recent years. This has caused substantial knowledge gaps and a loss of concern about the topic in public perception.
As a politically and commercially independent platform, the SWISS SECURITY FORUM imparts knowledge about diverse security issues. The SSF does not take position itself but rather provides a platform for experts and decision-makers to speak and exchange.
The SSF is an association and is primarily financed by membership fees of individuals, businesses and organizations. To organize the SSF Security Talks, we rely on additional sponsoring by event partners.