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Cyber threats - how great is the danger and how can the state, the economy and society protect themselves against them?
Mon, 17 Oct
|Hotel Schweizerhof, Bern
SOLD OUT. We are very pleased that the event has met with such great demand. Unfortunately, due to capacity reasons, we now have to close the registration window.
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Time & Location
17 Oct 2022, 18:00 – 22:00
Hotel Schweizerhof, Bern, Bahnhofpl. 11, 3001 Bern, Switzerland
About the event
At the 11th FSS Security Talk, the following recognized international and national experts will participate as keynote speakers and answer your questions:
- Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer, Head of the Federal Department of Finance (FDF)
- Dr. Stefanie Frey, Managing Director Deutor Cyber Security Solutions GmbH, Advisory Group ENISA
- Colonel Robert Flück, Project Cyber Command, Swiss Armed Forces
- Dr. Peter Friedli, Head of Defence, AWK Group
For the following panel discussion, we are pleased to welcome the following experts:
- Florian Schütz, Delegate of the Confederation for Cyber Security
- Dr. Jörg Mäder, National Councillor GLP / ZH, Freelance programmer
- Dr. Urs Loher, CEO Thales Suisse SA
You can find more information about the event in the detailed programme.
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