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European Security Architecture and the role of neutral Switzerland

2022 TBD



Join the debate: Is there a pan-European security architecture? How effective is it? What is the role of the individual states, NATO, the EU and other actors?

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European Security Architecture and the role of neutral Switzerland
European Security Architecture and the role of neutral Switzerland

Time & Location

2022 TBD


About the event

We invite you to discuss with national and international experts from politics, military, public administration and science:


  • Current status: What does the current pan-European security architecture look like? How effective is it? What is the role of individual states, the NATO, the EU and other actors?
  • Battle of ideas: Which (contradictory) initiatives and ideas exists for the renewal of the pan-European security architecture?
  • Challenges: Is an efficient and stable pan-European security at all possible in a world of fast-changing and compartmentalized alliances? Could cooperation within lead to aggression against the outside?


The event details will be published here two months prior to the event.

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